The sun shines off the water as I push my toes into the sand under my feet. Closing my eyes my lungs expand sucking in the salty, chilled ocean breeze. My imagination fills, my creative soul stirs … inspiration … it can come from anywhere.
Writing is an art. An art which brings a picture to the imagination. An art which brings a world, story or character to life. An art which makes a place for others to escape to.
In preparing to begin another story many questions arise. How do you know what to write?
How do you stay inspired? Do you need to be inspired or should you just write?
What exactly it is you want to write?
Do you plan a story or go with the flow?
How do you find the drive to move forward?
When you’re writing how do you stay on point, not having to go back and have to re-read what you have written?
Every writer has a different way of being creative. Although someone may have a way writing doesn’t mean it will work for you. It doesn’t mean that parts of what they do won’t work for you. Don’t close your mind to what others say even when everything inside you objects to the words being uttered. Resolutions to problems come with various viewpoints.
In this time of preparation it is important to have moments when nothing is on your mind but your next book or writing project.
Carving out time to focus and work is important. Make sure you have days where there is nothing to distract you.
Make sure that although you will be writing … a lot … there are times when you can step away, out into the sunshine and experience the world with you.
Find what fills you to the brim so you can go back to work and express yourself.
Make sure there is healthy food and drink to eat even if you find yourself stress eating while writing and reaching for those potato chips, popcorn, biscuits, soda’s etc. It makes no sense to feel bogged down while trying to be creative and write.
November month is worldwide National Writers Month or we call it
It sounds easy to sit down and put words on paper … so here is a challenge to those who are thinking about writing … join NaNoWriMo and see if you can meet the goal and put your story on paper.
Find your way through even if it is with Coffee, Sunshine and Inspiration.